Date: October 20th, 2016 4:35:43 a.m.

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October Events 2016

National Technical University of Athens

Jenny Marketou, The Assembly In No Particular Order (video still), 2016, HD, 14', colour, sound

October events start with with the international participatory project by artist Jenny Marketou HOW Assemblies Matter?, at the National Technical University of Athens, on 21-22 October 2016. HOW Assemblies Matter? is an International Assembly engaging more than 50 participants on social welfare, democracy, structures, actions, alliances and more.

The project, initiated in 2014 by Jenny Marketou under the overall theme Assemblies: Acts of Social Urgency and Imagination, is an ongoing open project conceived as a social sculpture and an artistic experiment based on a series of collective actions and research. The Athens chapter is a collaborative investigation with Athens-based artist Zafos Xagoraris.

The purpose of HOW Assemblies matter? is to amuse, provoke and even disturb, while it aims to address urgent issues of our times. The setting of MAX and Averof Amphitheatres located in the sprawling of the historical building of the National Polytechnic School of Athens were selected by Marketou to intensify the impact of the event. Using as script a series of questions posed by Marketou, the participants will play out or perform a series of public "assemblies" and pop-up actions. They re-enact real assemblies while addressing urgent issues which come right out of our real life and culture.

Participants: Giorgos Anastasopoulos, Athena Athanasiou, Stephanie Bailey, Babis Baltas, Theodoros Chiotis, Petros Christidis, Angela Dimitrakaki, Foundland Collective, geheimagentur (i.e. the secret agency), Frederikke Hansen, Vana Kostoyola, Jenny Marketou, Yiannis Mitsis, Carima Neusser, Neni Panourgia, Makis Papadimitratos, Yiorgos Papadopoulos, Nuno Rodrigues, State-Citizen's and Children's Ombudsman, Stavros Stavridis, STEPS Collective, Kuba Szreder, Miranda Terzopoulou, Theater of the Oppressed, Penny Travlou, Gracia Trujillo, Zafos Xagoraris, among others to be announced.

Participating Institutions: Students and Faculty from the School of Art and Design Kassel, Germany; the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Switzerland; the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm, Sweden; the Escola Superior Artistica do Porto (ESAP), Portugal and the Athens School of Fine Arts, Greece.

For more information please visit: Assemblies Summit Blog

With the Support of:

Varvakeios Venue

Paris Legakis, Artivists for Change, 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece

Avtonomi Akadimia and AthenSYN are organizing, on Tuesday October 24th, an evening of presentations and a moderated public discussion Art as Remedy? on the role of art in the so-called "Refugee Crisis". Artists will share their experiences and stories in this sensitive and challenging field. Demographic change, caused by the system we all live in, is a humanitarian catastrophe and simultaneously our only chance to create a society built on the essential understanding of our oneness.

This event is part of the project Universitas, with participating artists from Greece, Syria and Germany, in which art meets the refugee movement and acts as the first step towards an educational model exchanging the roles of "teacher" and "learner", of immigrants and the host countries, through creating a multimedia collective writing of current history.

Participants: Vilma Andrioti, Marina Gioti, Petros Lale, Evi Lampropoulou, Paris Legakis, Yorgos Moutafis and Margarita Tsomou.

With the Support of:

Ivan Razumov, Dream about Moscow, 2004, ink on paper

Finally, Avtonomi Akadimia will continue the Deep Artists' Talks, with Deep Artists' Talks, lectures initiated in the context of Athens Biennale OMONOIA. On Tuesday October 25th Ivan Razumov, a renowned artist and illustrator from Russia, will talk about his sensual, extravagant and higly virtuous works, which unite romantic hallucinations and the grotesque political reality, dreamscapes and dronescapes, scientifically and erotically charged content. Ivan lives and creates in Moscow's intellectual scene from the very beginning of his artistic practice. His drawings and paintings have been exhibited and very well received in numerous exhibitions, such as The Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; The Russian Museum, St.Peters burg; The Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam and the Freud's Dreams Museum, St. Petersburg.

Events' Programme

HOW Assemblies Matter? | Jenny Marketou

National Technical University of Athens | MAX & Averof Amphitheatre
42, 28th Oktovriou (Patision) Av., Athens | entrance from 35, Stournari Str., Athens
Friday, October 20 | 12:00 - 21:00
Saturday, October 21 | 12:00 - 21:00

Art as Remedy? | AthenSYN & Avtonomi Akadimia

Varvakeios venue | Athinas str. - opposite of Varvakeios Market
Monday, October 24 | 19:00

Deep Artists' Talks | Avtonomi Akadimia

Varvakeios venue | Athinas str. - opposite of Varvakeios Market
Ivan Razumov
Tuesday, October 25 | 19:00

For further information please contact

Additional information and images can be accessed through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube.


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