Date: September 21st, 2013 12:32:13 a.m.

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The question Now what? is the starting point of the 4th Athens Biennale 2013. AGORA emerges out of the search for answers. A social event, a space for the exchange of ideas and a setting for reflection and critique is created at the very center of Athens - a city in crisis. AGORA is hosted in two sites: the building of the National Bank of Greece at 8-10 Sofokleous str., a historical building that formerly housed the Athens Stock Exchange, and CAMP Contemporary Art Meeting Point, 4 Eupolidos & 2 Apellou str. at Kotzia Square.

AGORA includes more than seventy artists showcasing more than one hundred works of contemporary art including painting, sculpture, installation, video, sound, performance, theatre, dance, public interventions, and participatory projects. Artists, scholars, scientists, activists, collaborative initiatives, civic groups, and of course the public will meet on a daily basis: AGORA includes a rich program of discussions, workshops, roundtables, speeches, educational programs and guided tours. AGORA, the 4th Athens Biennale 2013, opens to the public on Sunday September 29th and will unfold over two months, closing on December 1st 2013.

AGORA innovates by aiming to create an assembly point both physical and digital. It addresses an Open Call to the creative world via its webpage and discourses online through the use of #ab4agora, thus composing questions and collecting answers.

The 4th Athens Biennale was designed by the AB4 Team, a team of artists, curators, theorists, activists, and practitioners in the creative industries brought together for this occasion. AGORA is thus the result of a process of fermentation between cultural workers from different backgrounds. What matters most to those who participate in such an experiment is a shared sense of responsibility and an urge to co-produce meaning.

National Bank of Greece Building, 8-10 Sofokleous str.
CAMP Contemporary Art Meeting Point, 4 Eupolidos & 2 Apellou str.
Tuesday-Friday: 13:00-21:00
Saturday & Sunday: 10:00-22:00

AGORA offers a season ticket for the exhibition for 8 euros. The season ticket allows admission throughout the two months of the 4th Athens Biennale and for all the events hosted by the AGORA.

Additionally, AGORA offers a daily ticket for 5 euros and a discount ticket for 3 euros, for students who hold a student ID, teens 12-18 years old and senior citizens (70 years old or above).

Holders of the Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) card, students of the Athens School of Fine Arts, members of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece, ICOM, AICA, IKT as well as special needs attendants are granted free entrance with appropriate ID.

For high resolution photographs, please visit the PRESS page of the AGORA webpage and the AGORA Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube, Vimeo pages.

Please make sure to fill in the accreditation form for the 4th Athens Biennale 2013 AGORA.

National Bank of Greece Building, 8-10 Sofokleous str.
CAMP Contemporary Art Meeting Point, 4 Eupolidos & 2 Apellou str.
29th September − 1st December 2013
Preview 28th September
Press Conference 28th September, 12:00, 8-10 Sofokleous str.

For more information please contact:
Katerina Stavroula, Press Officer
T: 0030 210 52 32 222, 210 52 32 224,

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